Stroll Information for Businesses
SEPT 1 | Registration opens to sponsor Stroll 50
SEPT 1 | Submit events and marketing materials for Stroll 50
OCT 1 | Registration opens to sign up for Stroll Marketplace
OCT 31 | Deadline to sponsor stroll and be in printed program
NOV 1 - DEC 31| Nantucket Noel season
NOV 29 | Tree Lighting Ceremony
NOV 30 - DEC 5 | Decorate your tree
DEC 6 | Judging of Christmas trees & storefronts
DEC 6 - 8 | 50th Nantucket Christmas Stroll
DEC 6-9 | Online voting for best storefront & trees
DEC 11 | Winners announced
JAN 3 | Last day to remove your tree decorations
50 Years of Holiday Cheer!

1. Become a sponsor - for as little as $250, sponsor the event and gain recognition in our program. Click here to become a sponsor
2. Advertise in the Official Stroll Program - rates start at $250 email
3. Participate in the Storefront Decorating Contest - for $25, gain exposure as visitors and residents vote for their favorite storefront. Judge's Contest & People's Choice Contest means TWO chances to win. Sign up here!
4. Participate in the Tree Decorating Contest - sponsor a tree and enter our contest for free!
5. Donate a tree to your favorite Nantucket classroom or Island non-profit - any Stroll sponsor at the $300 level or above can donate their tree to another organization in need! Any non-profit who would like a tree donated to them, please contact to get put on the waitlist.
6. Sell merchandise at the Stroll Marketplace - Space is limited and spots fill fast, sign up here.
7. Sell Merchandise through Chamber Marketplace and list Hot Deals - List items for sale on our Chamber Marketplace and/or post Hot Deals to our website through your member portal at no cost.
7. Provide promotional materials for sponsor swag bags - provide swag or gift cards for our Sponsor Swag Bags and Storefront Decorating Contest Winner Bags to gain exposure
8. Submit content for the Official Stroll Program - FREE! Submit your Stroll events, if you’re open & any promotions to our member events page by October 31 to be listed, for FREE, in our program. You can do this by logging into your member portal.
9. Submit content for the Chamber's Stroll e-blast - FREE! Submit your Stroll events and promotions to by October 31 to be listed, for FREE in our Stroll E-blast. Space is limited, so please send a high-resolution photo or graphic, a small blurb, and link to
10. Volunteer for Stroll Weekend - Help sell merchandise, direct traffic, be on elf patrol to protect Santa, and more! Email to sign up!