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Wednesday, October 30th Station Brant Point hosts Nautical Nightmare at the Coast Guard Station, 10 Easton Street. 6:00pm - 10:00pm. Children under 14 must have an accompanying adult. Suggested non perishable food item donation for entry.

Thursday, October 31st you are invited to join the annual Halloween Parade. Costumed adults and children are asked to arrive by 3:30 pm at the bottom of Main Street in front of the Ralph Lauren store for the costume contest, and then in preparation for the 4:00 pm start of the parade at the Lieutenant Max Wagner Memorial Fountain at the base of Main Street.

After the Parade, the Nantucket Historical Association welcomes families to come to the Whaling Museum for slightly spooky, super fun activities and more trick-or-treating!  Free of charge, 4:30 - 6 pm,13 Broad Street.

As always, consider Riding the Wave to the Halloween Parade or any other island activities.